Back To School Affects Your Dog

How Does Back To School Affect Your Dog?

Aug 31, 2018 · back to school · clawguard · Dogs · pet separation anxiety

Back to school is a time fraught with excitement and anxiety. Your children are excited, and you may be too (we won't tell!). But for your dog, back to school may mean a big shift in his lifestyle. 

Your dog has become accustomed to the children being home this summer and maybe you were home more frequently than you are during the rest of the year. Your dog sees the family every day, he gets more play and snuggle time. Then, all of a sudden everyone is rushing out the door and he's home alone

Don't forget, too that dogs sense excitement and anxiety and it makes them anxious. Have you ever wondered if your dog is impacted by back to school? He just may be. 

How Does Back To School Affect Your Dog? 

  • Separation anxiety is real. Your dog will be lonely when he is left home alone. He may act out by clawing the doors, chewing the window sills and maybe even barking all day long. When this happens your pet parent anxiety kicks into high gear. You worry about what type damage you will come home to because your pup is acting out. 
  • Pet parent anxiety is real. As mentioned, if your dog has acted out once by chewing your shoes or clawing the doors you worry every day what he will do when he's left alone. You don't want to crate him because he doesn't like it and that makes him more anxious. 

5 Things Pet Parents Can Do To Help Pet Anxiety

  1. Hire a pet sitter or dog walker. Having someone visit your dog during the day to give him some playtime and take him for a walk may alleviate his separation anxiety. 
  2. Give him a puzzle food toy and let him work his mind, keep him busy and give him treats while you're away. 
  3. Leave him with an article of your clothing so he can have your scent when he's home alone. 
  4. Get him slowly accustomed to the change that will be happening in your household. Make leaving a non-event. Resist the urge to hug him, kiss him and make a big fuss as you walk out the door. He will pick up on your anxiety when you leave and that will make him more anxious. 
  5. Protect your home with CLAWGUARD products. If your pup is scratching the door and causing damage because he wants to get out to find you, using a CLAWGUARD on your door will protect it. Use CLAWGUARD Tape and Shield to protect furniture and window sills. 

Embrace the fun and excitement of a new school year but keep your pup's peace-of-mind front of mind and help alleviate that when you leave home. Give her a lot of love and attention when you return home and your family will enjoy a happy, healthy start to a new school year! 

CLAWGUARD builds shields that help protect homes from damage caused by dogs and cats. Products include door shields, couch guards, and universal protective tape that protects commonly scratched areas like window sills, furniture, banisters, weatherstripping and more.  Check us out on Amazon and read our many FIVE STAR reviews!

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