Follow these 7 simple steps when leaving a dog home alone, and for added protection, furnish your home with the 3 key scratch protection products detailed in this post to help protect your doors, window sills, furniture and other items from any anxiety-inspired mauling, scratching and chewing.
We all know what happens to little boys when they are accidentally left behind at Christmas time from that iconic comedy, Home Alone, of two decades ago, but when the protagonist in a real life story is not Macauley Culkin, but rather a medium or high energy dog that is left home alone, the repercussions may be different, but can be equally expensive and painful.

Then there is the guilt, which has many forms, and it can and does raise its heavy and depressing head many times during the course of our busy lives.
According to the late Emma Bombeck, “guilt is the gift that keeps on giving.”
So whether it occurs at that moment when your mother-in-law tells you she’s okay “standing out in the rain” or your dog looks at you with those puppy dog eyes that are brimming with hurt, betrayal and abandonment, there is no escape and only a glimmer of hope that somewhere, somehow there can be some sort of resolution.
A Few Relevant Statistics On Guilt And Our Pups
A 2016 survey conducted by the New York Daily News and involving some 2,000 dog owners indicated that 80% of participants felt guilty about leaving their dogs alone at home too much and compensated for guilt over lost time spent with lavish treats and toys.
The poll, which was conducted by the pet sitting service, DogVAcay, also discovered that many pet parents made up for their absence in their pets’ lives by serving special foods, like steak dinner, in some instances.
But it doesn’t matter what you promise or gift to your beloved fur ball. A dog can’t be told that you will return soon, although you are free to try.
Once you reach for those keys, coat or handbag instead of the leash, the whimpering is likely to begin. It doesn’t matter if you will be gone for just a few minutes or a few hours.
To your doggy, it is goodbye, so long, ciao, ta-ta, shalom and sayonara baby. No more walks, hugs, food or playtime forever.
Of course this bleak picture is never the case, but explanations are beyond canine understanding and that cloud of guilt that is taking hold in your caretaker mind isn’t likely to go away until the minute you turn that key into the lock and return home.
God only knows that which has occurred during your absence.

We dog caretakers have to learn to see things from the perspective of our pets. Only the current moment lives in the minds of our beloved dogs.
In a way, this is a blessing, as there are never any regrets, do overs, divorces and reconciliations, apologies, second, third or even fourth chances to get it right, and best of all, NO GUILT.
But we humans who are experts at looking back and dwelling on past mistakes and always look forward to making new ones, sometimes in the process forget that a dog cannot do this.
So what to do? Even if you are running a necessary errand like buying dog food, the guilt is there, like a big gray cloud. If you are going someplace where you might enjoy yourself, boy is it ever there, and even heavier and deeper.
Calling home to say you care won’t help either. Hearing your voice on the answering machine might even make things worse for your lovesick doggie who lives only for you and can hear you but not lick and smother you with warm kisses.

Have you run out of ideas? Are you finished? Well, maybe you would be if it weren’t for the following wonderful suggestions and scratch deterrent product solutions.
7 Helpful Tips When Leaving Your Dog Home Alone
If you are loving pet parents like we are ;) aim to follow these simple tips each time you head out the door.
Don’t Make A Fuss When You Leave
Spend some special play time after you come home even if only for a few minutes. Your dog will appreciate it.
Don’t Leave Your Dog Home Alone For Too Long
Leave Desired Chewables Within Reach
Give Your Dog A Safe Space To Be
Convince Your Dog That Being Home Alone Isn’t So Bad
Leave Water And Maintain A Temperature-Controlled Room
Leave On Some Background Noise
3 Ways To Protect Your Home When Leaving Your Dog Alone
There's nothing worse than coming home only to find your doors, window sills and furniture scratched to pieces and your furry little (or big) friend hiding his or her's eyes in disgrace.

Thankfully, our products allow pet parents to to protect your furniture and beloved belongings from the onslaught of separation anxiety, which commonly occurs in dogs, while also aiding in training this common destructive behavior.
We offer three workable solutions to one of the biggest problems associated with separation anxiety in the form of some tried and true products that can prevent your dog from scratching your beloved furniture
They are our: heavy duty door shields, window sill protectors and protection tape. More on each is featured below.
Our Heavy Duty Door Shields
Durable Anti-Scratch Window Sill Protectors
Our Clear Adhesive Protection Tape
Go Dear Pet Parent, And Go Guilt-Free!
Guilt is free floating and may follow us everywhere, no matter what we do.
However, when it comes to leaving our dog home alone, the best we can hope for is some sort of makeshift tranquility in knowing we have left them and our furniture with everything they need in order to survive your next trip to wherever you choose to go.
Equip your home with the very best in scratch deterrent and protection products, and be prepared, like a dutiful boy scout, for your next departure into the unknown.
Final thought from one dog: If chewing things is wrong, I don’t want to be right. ~Danny Gordan for Stupell Industries
Photo Credits: Pixabay, Shutterstock and Clawguard